Design your own
Want us to print a ticket to your own design? No problem. Give us a call on 01260 276164 or email us on with your requirements and we'll be happy to set your ticket design using images and text supplied by you. In the future you'll be able to do it directly through the website.
How to send us your own design
Our ticket layout is fixed. The large main portion, the part the customer keeps, is 105mm wide and you can have up to 3 perforated tear-off stubs of 30mm each. The paper we use is pre-perforated so we can't change the size of the stubs. The whole ticket is 63.5mm high and 205mm wide including the 10mm area reserved for stapling. When supplying us your artwork please work to these dimensions.
We can print "full bleed" designs. If you want full bleed then please include 5mm of bleed all the way around the edge of your design.
If you want hologram security tickets then please leave 15mm of white space at the right edge of the main ticket.
Artwork needs to be supplied in the largest, best quality format you can provide with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Full ticket designs should be 2000 pixels wide or more. You can download pre-made templates below. We can accept files of the following types:
- .JPG
- .PNG
- .EPS
- .AI
- .PSD
- Word (.doc/.docx)
- Publisher (.pub)
- For formats not listed here, please get in touch.
It is important that you have rights to use any images or artwork that forms part of your design.
Download templates
Please click on the links below to download photoshop templates for full colour and full colour hologram tickets.
Suggest a design
Something missing from our library of templates?
We've got a ton of designs already but if you're not finding a template that suits your event you could design your own or if your idea is something that would be useful to others too then we'd love to hear about it. We regularly add designs based on customer suggestions.
Suggest a template